
ion density मीनिंग इन हिंदी

ion density उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Within it lie layers of increased electron and ion density that form the ionosphere.
  2. In the contactor plasma, the electron density is approximately equal to the ion density.
  3. Ion density then equals electron density and the energy density of both electrons and ions together is given by
  4. The " MAVEN " spacecraft determined in 2015 that there is a substantial layered structure present in both neutral gases and ion densities.
  5. One interesting aspect of the filamentation generated plasma is the relatively low ion density due to defocusing effects of the ionized electrons . ( See also Filament propagation)
  6. High resolution spectroscopic studies found that variations in the ion density, rotational velocity, and temperatures at the time of impact and afterwards were within the normal limits.
  7. SmartMESA, the Smart Miniaturized Electrostatic Analyzer, was designed to record the ion density of the ionosphere, as well as the temperature, to allow a study of how temperature affects ion density.
  8. SmartMESA, the Smart Miniaturized Electrostatic Analyzer, was designed to record the ion density of the ionosphere, as well as the temperature, to allow a study of how temperature affects ion density.
  9. When a high-density plasma is used, the ion density can be high enough that significant sputtering of the deposited film occurs; this sputtering can be employed to help planarize the film and fill trenches or holes.
  10. In some situations a more detailed analysis can yield information on the ion density ( n _ i ), the ion temperature T _ i, or the electron energy distribution function ( EEDF ) or f _ e ( v ).

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. ion chamber
  2. ion clearing electrode
  3. ion conductance
  4. ion counter
  5. ion cyclotron frequency
  6. ion dipole bond
  7. ion dipole force
  8. ion engine
  9. ion exchange
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